Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Canon had a trial this weekend and she did a very nice job with her runs.  I only got a few videos cause my friends were all running in the same class.
She got a cue in DAM Team with some individual Q's as well.  She also got a Q in Pairs, Standard, Snooker.  She finished her Advanced Standard title, and got a Snooker Q, so she got her Advanced Agility Dog title.

I was so proud of her for her contacts.  She faulted her teeter in the gamble in one run, but other than that, she was clean on all contacts.  She did not do the exact criteria, so we will have to continue to improve, but having all contacts clean is such an improvement.  It was so nice to not have to worry about it.

Canon's Standard Run - Huntsville

Fun Weekend

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