Sunday, June 19, 2011

Beginning Criteria for Canon

Here is the beginning of my criteria list for Canon's performance.



1. run top speed, full stride over the dw
2. control the down ramp
3. stop in the 2o2o position on the down side.
4. watch me and release on my OK cue to the obstacle I am cueing
5. allow me to rear cross the up ramp
6. allow me to front cross the up ramp and down ramp
7. allow me to blind cross the up ramp
8. allow me to push her to another jump or tunnel
9. get on the end of the up ramp from any angle
10. push to a tunnel that is parallel to the DW or entrance from behind
11. discriminate between the DW and a tunnel

1. Run over the teeter full speed
2. pause as it drops
3. wait on the end for my release - OK.
4. Feet can be 2o2o or 4on - just a wait on the end is fine.
5. release to next obstacle

1. run up the front side
2. run down the back side
3. hold in 2o2o position and look at me
4. release to the next obstacle on my OK
5. Her feet should be about 2 " above the ground.  (see video)
6. discriminate between the AF and a tunnel
7. push to a tunnel that is parallel to the AF or entrance from behind
8. Get up the AF from any angle

Open Tunnel
1.  Find the tunnel with verbal command only.
2.  Drive to the tunnel at top speed.
3.  Run thru the tunnel at top speed.
4.  Drive/look forward out of the tunnel and not come directly to me unless called.
5.  Find the entrance to the tunnel, even if we are behind the opening.
6.  Allow me to rear cross the tunnel while dog drives through.
7.  Turn sharply out of the tunnel when called.
8.  Call off opening when called.
9.   Take verbal Left or Right, turning away from me, when exiting the tunnel

1.  Find the chute with verbal command only.
2.  Drive to the chute at top speed.
3.  Run thru the chute at top speed.
4.  Drive/look forward out of the chute and not come directly to me unless called.
5.  Allow me to rear cross the chute while dog drives through.
7.  Turn sharply out of the chute when called.
8.  Call off opening when called.
9.   Take verbal Left or Right, turning away from me, when exiting the chute

Weave Poles   
1. find the entrance
2. drive forward through the weaves with head down
3. use a rhythm to go through the weaves
4. allow me to run in any direction and finish weaves
5. always finish 12 poles (or 6)
6. move through with top speed.
7. collect before entering weaves
8. allow me to front cross entry
9. allow me to front cross exit
10. allow me to rear cross entry
11. allow me to blind cross exit
12. be able to enter weaves from any angle

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